Barakkat Satin Oud 50ml
Barakkat Satin Oud 50ml is a luxurious Eau de Parfum that delivers a sophisticated scent experience perfect for those who appreciate refined fragrances. With a rich blend of oud, this perfume exudes an exotic and warm aroma that lingers gracefully on the skin. The fragrance is crafted for longevity, making it ideal for special occasions or everyday elegance. Housed in an elegantly designed bottle, Barakkat Satin Oud embodies opulence and class. It’s the perfect addition to your perfume collection, offering a unique, unforgettable scent profile.
Original price was: R280.00.R99.00Current price is: R99.00.
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Barakkat Satin Oud 50ml is a luxurious Eau de Parfum that delivers a sophisticated scent experience perfect for those who appreciate refined fragrances. With a rich blend of oud, this perfume exudes an exotic and warm aroma that lingers gracefully on the skin. The fragrance is crafted for longevity, making it ideal for special occasions or everyday elegance. Housed in an elegantly designed bottle, Barakkat Satin Oud embodies opulence and class. It’s the perfect addition to your perfume collection, offering a unique, unforgettable scent profile.
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